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Hi Writers,

Welcome to FALL 2024 at the Aquinas College Writing Center!

Our mission is to engage writers in dialogue.

Whatever your writing project, at whatever stage of the writing process, we are interested in consulting with you.

WE HAVE MOVED! PLEASE VISIT US IN JLH230 (2nd floor, above the main entrance of the Library).

Our theme this year is: FLOURISH TOGETHER! We are here to collaborate with you, working to develop ideas and to grow stronger as writers.

We believe friends don't let friends write alone! 

We look forward to working with you.

The AQ Writing Center Team

Submissions are open for Magna Verba, our annual scholarly publication! Submit your work today! Magna Verba Website

Questions? Email us at

Check out our social media! Follow us:

Dear Aquinas Writing Center Users,

In order to have access to our WCOnline scheduling system, writers must register a personal account. The one-time only registration process has only a few simple steps, and once you have set up your account, you will be able to easily and quickly make appointments with the AQ Writing Center. 

A note on password recovery: When a password needs to be reset, an email will be sent to the address you provide. If you do not see it 2-3 minutes after requesting a password reset, check your spam folder. Follow the directions in the email and you will receive a second email with the replacement password. From there, you can access your account and change your password inside the site. Consultants can also reset passwords if you contact the consultant you are meeting.